The 5 Best Trader Joe's Products You've Never Heard of - Unusual, Delicious, and CHEAP!

Pop Quiz for Trader Joe's shoppers -- how many of these items can you identify at a glance?  They're the 5 best Trader Joe's products that I'm pretty sure you haven't found yet... cheap, unusual, delicious, and fun items for you to try out on your next shopping trip! via Devastate BoredomMy husband and I are a little obsessed with Trader Joe's.  NOT in the mindless  "everything at Trader Joe's is HEALTHY!" kind of way, which is just silly, cuz those guys sell COOKIE BUTTER and there's no way anybody can pretend that spreading mushed-up cookies onto toast is healthy... but in the "hey, look at these fun organic and natural products that don't cost an arm and a leg!" way.

(ALSO Trader Joe's gets major points in my book for selling recycled paper products at pretty much the best price you can find.  Everybody switch to recycled toilet paper and napkins!  Let's kill fewer trees in the process of wiping our mouths and butts, people!  ;P)

Over the course of being avid Trader Joe's shoppers for the last five years or so, we've come across a number of unusual, extra tasty, and appealingly affordable items that aren't 

necessarily well-known (unlike, say, "Two Buck Chuck," the cheap Trader Joe's wine) but are awesome.  Hence this blog post!

Here are 5 of the BEST Trader Joe's products that you probably didn't know they sell.  

Pop Quiz for Trader Joe's shoppers -- how many of these items can you identify at a glance?  They're the 5 best Trader Joe's products that I'm pretty sure you haven't found yet... cheap, unusual, delicious, and fun items for you to try out on your next shopping trip!  via Devastate Boredom

(and if you're a fellow Trader Joe's aficionado, feel free to treat this photo as a pop-quiz... 5 points for each product you can identify at a glance!!)
scroll down when you're ready for the reveal... ;P

The 5 best things to buy at Trader Joes, that you haven't already discovered!  Unusual, tasty, FUN, and CHEAP products that will make your shopping cart a lot more interesting! via Devastate Boredom

From left to right - 

Trader Joe's Beef Liver Begging Treats for Dogs - our dogs go nuts for these!  We humans like that they are CHEAP, and contain no nasty chemical additives or fillers.  When my dog is trying to be extra persuasive she also argues that liver is basically a super food with lots of good nutrients, so these treats should be considered doggy-vitamins.  I don't fall for that though.  Usually I don't, anyway.... it's those puppy-dog eyes!!  What can I do?

Organic Liquid Stevia - my husband and I were using powdered stevia in our coffee for a while, but kept reading about how horribly processed and bleached the powdered stuff was.  This organic liquid stevia extract is just water, alcohol (like real vanilla extract), and stevia leaf.  We use it in coffee, smoothies, and baking if I'm feeling adventurous... a great non-calorie, non-chemical sweetener option! 

Organic Sriracha Ranch Dressing - oh my gosh, this stuff is crack!  I've eaten way more salads since discovering it, and my husband likes to use it as a marinade for chicken on the grill.  YUM!

Roasted Plantain Chips - so good!  A marginally healthier stand-in for regular chips or if you're just craving salty snacks...  I have to really work to make a bag last longer than two days.  ;P

Trader Joe's Fireworks Chocolate Bar - you've got to try this candy bar at least once!  It's like pop rocks and a Crunch bar had a delicious, spicy baby.  (think Mayan chocolate on the "spicy" part)  Though I really try to eat organic dark chocolate most of the time, I have to admit that I love an occasional Fireworks bar as a treat!  Even if you don't end up loving it, it's a fun experience for your taste-buds, hence my saying you've got to try it at least once!

Okay, your turn to talk!  How did you do on the pop-quiz?  And what's your favorite unusual item at Trader Joe's??  I need some new recommendations here, people!  

Also, if you're working on switching to a healthier diet be sure to stay tuned... I'll be posting again soon with a list of which Trader Joe's organic and natural products are the biggest bargains!  :)

Here are some of the places you might see this post partying! 

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  1. I'm all over the ranch dressing. I'm going to get some. I love a great salad and this sounds mighty good.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  2. Roasted plantain. Yes, please.

  3. That dressing looks so good! We have a Trader Joes walking distance now - I'll have to grab some of that next time I'm going by!

  4. We recently got our first Trader Joe's in town...but on the other side of the city, so it's an hour away. We did check it out once and were surprised because we'd expected more organic stuff than we found. I'm sure there are gems like these, if you shop there often, but until there's one closer, we won't be making the trip. So cool that you've found such great items, though, and if we're ever down in that part of town, I might just have to try one of those chocolate bars...

  5. Sarah Eliza, I LOVE plantain chips!!
    Pop rocks and crunch bar baby?? Ummm, no thanks! I'm not THAT adventurous!!
    You dog has a good argument there about the liver being nutritous!

  6. I'm sad. There isn't a Trader Joe's near me. :( I'd love to try the chocolate and the sriracha dressing.

  7. I totally agree; that sriracha ranch dressing is amazing! I love Trader Joe's. I worked there for about 2 1/2 years and it was a great company. I looooove their "if you don't like it, return it" return policy. I haven't had to make use of it very often, but when I have, it's just made me want to shop there more!
    I love their frozen chicken teriyaki and orange chicken. Mmmmm. It tastes like take-out but marginally healthier.

  8. I love their frozen buffalo burgers. Those are the best.

  9. Our Trader Joe's is a nightmare to get in and out of so I just don't go any more. Can you believe I have never tried Cookie Butter? Shameful but true.

  10. This sounds like my kind of place! The firework chocolate bar is especially cool :D #FridayFrivolity

  11. Thanks for sharing this with #TheCozyReadingSpot Sarah - you are going to be featured this week on the link up, I hope you can stop by tomorrow (thursday) and join us again!


  12. Thank you for the visit today. Glad you did!

    Ok, I just had to bookmark this post and sign-up for your newsletter.
    How fun is that :)

  13. The closest Trader Joe's is one state over so when I'm near one, I buy stuff and mail it home. I haven't tried any of those items but I do know the gluten free mixes are pretty good.

  14. oh - plantain chips!! Looks like I'm taking a trip to TJs! Visiting from the blogger's pit stop!

  15. I love Trader Joes....some of my favorites are the fresh Limeade and orange juice, and the raw almond butter! I also love all of their organic fair trade coffee - it has great flavor and it is affordable :)

  16. You've introduced me to two new things I will HAVE to try next time I go to TJ's! The sirachi ranch, and the firecracker! I only get to go about twice a year, because the nearest Trader Joe's is over 70 miles away. But I'm totally trying those two! Thanks!

  17. Well, the pumpkin butter in the fall is so crazy good that we buy tons of it before it is all out. Also the black bean and quinoa chips are soooooo tasty, especially with hummus! I heart Trader Joe's!

  18. I can't get enough of TJ's so regardless ... I'll be buying everything on this list. I'm excited to try those chips! I don't think I have an unusual item from there ... but I do love their corn/wheat taco tortillas with their mild pico .... I think I could eat that every day!

  19. I have a trader joes down the street from me, and I have to say I've only gone in there to get the cookie butter and those plantain chips a handful of times. Now that I've read through your post, I'm definitely going to have to investigate more (and really...that sriracha ranch dressing has me intrigued...). Thanks so much for sharing this with us on #shinebloghop

  20. Hey, you! I came right on over when I saw your F-E-A-T-U-R-E at the #SHINEBlogHop--woo hoo for you!-- because: 1)I am a fan of yours, and 2)I am a fan of TJ's. Alas, a trip there requires a good 4 hour chunk for travel and "which of these 7000 cheese is going to change my life" deliberations. But it's still worth it. Am putting that liquid stevia on my ongoing TJs list the minute I publish this comment. Thanks for the fun and informative read. And congrats! :)

  21. I don't have a Trader Joe's close enough to me to make it worth the trip. It's literally 30 miles away, but I do love their Five Seasoning Salute. I get it on Amazon! It's amazing! If I'm ever in the area of a Trader Joe's I'll be sure to check out the Organic Sriracha Ranch Dressing. Me and my teenage son will enjoy it. He introduced me to Sriracha.


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