Part 2 - 7 "Steps" for Improving Your Posture and Alignment - Small Changes Towards Better Back and Foot Health! Tips, Tricks, Stretches and Resources - Part 2

Definitely need to try these!  Pain-free back, here we come!  7 Steps Towards Better Posture and Alignment - Tips, Tricks, Stretches, and Resources - Small, easy changes to begin a journey to a healthier back and feet - via Devastate Boredom

Disclaimer:  I am not a medical professional!  I am sharing my own experiences only.  All bodies are different, so be sure to consult your doctor if you have questions or concerns.

Last week I shared a kind of crazy story with y'all... the fact that I have had MUCH less foot pain lately, and apparently have gone up a shoe size, all since starting to improve my posture and alignment. Then the other day I shared four of my favorite tips and tricks for improving posture and alignment.  

Today I'm going to wrap up with three more steps (ahaha I'm so punny...) ideas and resources that I have found helpful in improving my foot and back health.  Hurray for being proactive with our health and fitness!

7 Beginners Tips for Better Posture and Foot / Body Alignment - Part 2:

See here for Tips 1-4!

5.  Switch all your shoes to FLATS with a nice roomy toe-box.  

There is an awesome (/awful) diagram in Whole Body Barefoot that shows what happens to your weight-distribution on your joints when you wear heels... suffice to say, wearing heels is truly terrible for your body.  From your feet on up to your neck -- it's all connected by ligaments and muscles, so it is quite possible that high heels (or even the lower-but-still raised heels on your tennis shoes or boots) are causing headaches, backaches, etc.  Read the book if you don't believe me!

Now, about the toe-box -- spread your toes out flat on a piece of paper and trace around your foot.  Compare that tracing against the base of your current shoes.  Is there enough room for your toes to spread out inside your shoes, or are they getting squished into an unnaturally tight space?  You SHOULD be able to stretch your toes out fully inside your shoe, so you're probably going to need shoes with a roomier toe box.

Also, whether you realize it or not, all standard tennis shoes have a built-in lift in the heel.  The next time you need new walking shoes, consider switching to one with an 8mm heel height.  Then, 6 months or a year later, after you've worn those out and your legs have accustomed to that switch, you can move to a 4mm drop... and then from there, a good while later, you can consider transitioning to minimalist shoes if that interests you.  

Minimalist shoes are completely flat, which means your body can be in for a painful shock and/or injury if you go straight from standard shoes to minimalist ones.  That is never recommended!  I'm personally in 4 mm New Balance shoes now after spending a year in 8 mm Saucony.  The drop from 8 to 4 mm didn't give me much discomfort (though I was doing my walking in pancake-flat TX, which probably helped), but the original switch from standard tennis shoes to 8 mm in hilly GA... oh baby!   I frequently ended walks with screaming calves.  So take it slow, and even consider alternating between your standard shoes and 8 mm's for a couple of weeks when first transitioning.  

6.  Have full-length mirrors around your house in strategic places, to remind you to check your alignment.  

When my husband and I moved into our current apartment, we laughed together about all of the mirrors.  There is an AWKWARD number of mirrors in this apartment!  There is a giant mirror attached to the wall as you enter from the front door, large enough to fill almost that whole wall.  The kitchen is "wallpapered" with black glazed tiles that reflect just like mirrors.  One of the two bedrooms has another huge mirror, filling a whole wall, and the bathroom is completely tiled with mirrors as well.  When I stand in front of my bathroom sink, dozens of my reflection stare back at me from all angles.  A little weird, right?  

But it's PERFECT for improving my alignment.  

In almost any room I'm in, I can glance over to a mirror and check my body alignment.  I have become so much more aware of keeping a neutral arch in my back and keeping my weight over my heels, just based on having a visual of myself rather than having to guess based on "feel" alone.

We will be moving again in a month or so, and I plan to buy multiple full-length mirrors to strategically place around our new place.  Places I suggest to "mirrorize" -- in front of the bathroom sink, by the kitchen sink and dishwasher, in front of your yoga mat or wherever you exercise and stretch at home, in front of your washer and dryer, etc.  Anywhere you tend to stand still or bend over a good bit will be helpful, so that you can check that you have a neutral arch in your back and that your weight is centered over your feet rather than slouching, or leaning forward or back.

7.  Read the Fit2B blog, Katy Bowman's blog, or check out one of Katy Bowman's books.

I've already suggested you read Whole Body Barefoot, but if you don't like the emphasis on transitioning to minimal footwear then Every Woman's Guide to Foot Pain Relief might be more your speed... or Simple Steps to Foot Pain Relief.  Her blog, Katy Says, is also chock-full of great articles... to the point where it can be a little overwhelming at first.  Pick a topic and dive in, or choose one of the books for a more bite-sized entry into the world of alignment.  And did I mention that Katy is very funny?  The reading won't be painful or boring, I promise.  

The fitness subscription service Fit2B that I'm about to talk about also has a blog with lots of helpful resources and information as well. 

7.  Subscribe to alignment focused fitness routines via Fit2B.  

I'm so thankful I stumbled across Fit2B!  This fitness video subscription service has helped me make huge strides in becoming more body-aware, and strengthening my core.  Bethany, the CEO and instructor at Fit2B, approaches all fitness categories (from pilates, to kickboxing, to yoga, to step-aerobics) from an alignment perspective.  She especially emphasizes the effect (good OR bad) that alignment can have on a woman's healing body after childbirth, but the routines are great for non-moms as well.

Fit2B makes working out SO quick and simple with a wide range of workout lengths, from 7 minutes on up, and by texting fitness reminders, encouragement, and alignment tips to subscribers throughout the week.  I can click on a video link in a text and play it on my TV instantly using google chromecast (Amazon Firestick works the same way), which leaves very little room for procrastination or excuses!   

It is a fantastic program, and I think it is only going to get better as Fit2B continues to grow as a company. I recently became an affiliate because I can rave about them in all honesty and sincerity, simply by sharing my experiences as a subscriber myself.

Well there you go!  I have now revealed the exciting weirdness of my shape-shifting feet (haha!), and shared the top tips I think have helped me along in my alignment journey thus far.  

Please let me know if you have any questions!  I am still learning myself, but I will try to point you in the right direction.  And if you're a fellow alignment-nerd, be sure to say hello so we can bond over the joys of a neutral lumbar spine and proper weight-distribution!  ;)
I seriously have never heard any of this in yoga class!  Really good info.  7 Stretches, Tips, and Tricks for Better Posture and Alignment - resources to prevent headaches, backaches, bunions and more!  Small changes towards a pain-free life, via Devastate Boredom

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  1. Often our posture is preventing us from having pain free health. Great advice.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  2. People were always amazed at what I could do in heels at work - "how can you teach these little ones & run all over after them like that?" I'd reply that it was because I was used to my skates - most people don't realize how high the heel is in figure skates! Now I've been pretty much barefoot all the time over the past 3 years and only wear sandals the few times I run out, but it will be interesting to see how different it feels when I get back to coaching in the fall...

  3. Love the "shape-shifting feet"!!
    Someone was vain!! OR, an alignment nerd, like you!
    I've ALWAYS had a huge beef with women's shoe makers about the weird shapes they try to make your feet into.
    Remember Earth Shoes?? I loved them! Now I wear Crocs, and Birkies, when I can afford them!
    Yay for fat feet!!

  4. I haven't worn heels for years for the reason you state. I want to be able to walk 10 years from now. I never noticed how bad my posture was until my mom got a personal trainer and I watched him tap her between the shoulder blades to remind her to straighten up - especially important when one uses a walker!!!


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