Maternity Wardrobe Style Hack -- Wear Your Regular Jeans Longer While Pregnant!

Maternity Wardrobe Style Hack -- Wear Your Regular Jeans Longer While Pregnant!

Pregnant? Delay buying maternity pants and wear your regular pants longer with this easy life hack!  Preggo style advice and tips, via Devastate Boredom

This will be a pretty brief post because... if you are able to see the photo above, you already know what I'm about to say. 😝

I promised a few days ago in my Ultimate Maternity Capsule Wardrobe post to share about a nifty little hack I used to keep wearing my regular pants for a pretty long while into my pregnancy.  I used this hack for long enough that when I went to the birthing center for check-ups, the midwives would laugh at me for not having bought maternity pants yet.  But they were the only ones who knew!  Nobody else had a clue.  (And the cows said "moo."  All those rhyming board books I'm reading to Baby L are clearly rubbing off on me, LOL)

Here are the pants-expansion hack instructions:  

1 -- Take a regular, simple hair band and loop it around your pants button.  

2 -- Stick the free end of the band through the button-hole.  

3 -- Loop that free end of the band back onto the button.  It will stretch to accommodate the space necessary / available.

This hack will provide you with extra space in your pants while keeping them securely on your backside... with the one caveat that will you need to wear a long-enough shirt so that the waist-band and zipper region of your pants stay covered.  Tunic-length tops are perfect for this.

This hack is also recommended for Thanksgiving Day, and those "my jeans CLEARLY shrunk in the dryer" moments that happen to all of us.

That's all!  

If you'd like a slightly more high-tech take on this, that will likely last even longer into your pregnancy, check out these belly bands on Amazon.  

Pregnant? Delay buying maternity pants and wear your regular pants longer with this easy life hack!  Preggo style advice and Capsule Wardrobe tips! via Devastate Boredom

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  1. Ha on the Thanksgiving Day comment, because Every. Single. Photo. of my Grandad on Thanksgiving and Christmas showed his pants-button undone, which led to us ALL doing it for family photos, in his last years with us! :D

  2. Girl, I'm very familiar, and haven't been pregnant in over 28 years!! thank God!!
    Sniff baby L's head once for me, please!!

  3. I'll surely do this when the time comes. ;)


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