Dog Owner Alert! The 8 BEST Deals on Natural Puppy Products on Amazon!

List of the best frugal and all-natural dog products available on Amazon -- cheap and affordable organic dog chews, bully sticks, antlers, treats, dog food, biodegradable poop bags, shampoo and grooming, toys, kennels and beds and more!  Perfect list for a new puppy owner -- what you need to buy! via Devastate Boredom
Haha, I see a few trends in my posts lately!  Stress relief and "saving money" are both clearly on my mind lately!  I even had a post the other day that combined BOTH!  ;P  

But I have to admit, this money-saving post is really just for the pet-lovers out there, so apologies if that doesn't include you... and big thanks for starting to read just the same!  Feel free to forward this on to a few animal lovers in your life -- their wallets will surely thank you!

(Please note, this post contains affiliate links, meaning that if you click and / or purchase items via those links, I may receive a small commission as a result, at no cost to you.  If you would prefer to see any item via a non-affiliate link, use the contact form to let me know and I will be happy to email one to you.  Thank you for supporting Devastate Boredom!)  

Okay, now that we've got all that out of the way -- today I'm highlighting my favorite natural dog product deals on Amazon.  Keep your eyes peeled for the "prime eligible" symbol on the product page, because a number of these qualify for free shipping for Prime members!  And at least a few also qualify for Subscribe and Save, allowing you to schedule regular deliveries for an extra 5-15% off those items... yes please!  But keep in mind that if you don't have an Amazon Prime subscription, you can still get free shipping with an order over $35.... and if you'd like to try Amazon Prime, you can use it free for 30 days!  A membership includes free 2-day shipping, free streaming video and music, kindle book privileges and more!   

The Best FRUGAL and NATURAL Dog Products via Amazon!

BONUS:  Dog Food and Treat Sampler Box. I don't know how long this one will stay available so I'm not including it on the official list... but it's definitely a fun one!  Right now Amazon has a package of dog samples / treats for $9.99... if you buy it, you get a $9.99 CREDIT towards your next dog food / treat purchase, making it basically free.  Can't get much more frugal than free, ha!  If you already buy dog stuff on Amazon, or you think you might after reading this post, this is an easy win!  I don't know if the items will remain the same, but I purchased this box about a week ago and it included a big, full-sized bag of Hill's Soft Baked Naturals treats (which my dogs pretty much went crazy for), a couple more sample bags of treats, four full-sized wet dog foods, and a freeze-dried chicken dog food product.  And I've already cashed in my credit, because we buy so much dog stuff on Amazon.  ;P  Easy and fun!

#1 -- Antler Chews.  Antlers are an awesome long-lasting, all-natural chew for dogs, and even work a little like a doggy vitamin, since they're packed with calcium and other healthy minerals.  They're odor-free, and create very little debris as the dog chews.  As a bonus, antlers are shed naturally each year, which means no harm was done to any creatures to procure them.  You can buy deer, elk, or moose antlers, either whole or split.  We like the split elk antlers best since whole antlers (and/or deer antlers) are denser and our dogs just give up rather than keep gnawing away without making a dent.  While you will pay EXORBITANT prices for antlers at Petsmart, you should be able to get a large split elk antler for $14 or less on Amazon, and smaller antlers will be even cheaper.  Warnings:  Make sure the antler is large enough for your dog to chew on without splitting it.  We were getting our dogs "medium" elk antlers for a while, and had problems with them splintering.  You do not want your dog eating antler splinters!  Take it away at the first sign of splintering, and consider upgrading to a larger antler.  

#2 -- Bully Sticks.  Bully Sticks are another all-natural chew for dogs, similar to rawhide but easier to digest and less likely to be a choking hazard.  Bully sticks are made from a -- errrrrr.... awkward portion of a bull's anatomy.  Not sure what I mean?  Literally think for half a second of the MOST AWKWARD thing on a bull's body, and yes, that's what a bully stick is made out of.  I wash my hands thoroughly each time I touch one, rofl.  They are high in protein, however, and apparently taste amazing to canine tastebuds, 'cuz our dogs are obsessed with them.  We have the antlers available all the time for general healthy chewing options, and use the bully sticks as a treat, as a source of stress-relief (chewing is very therapeutic when a dog is anxious), or when we need the dogs to be quiet and distracted for a little while.  Again, don't buy these at the pet store!  The pet store will literally want your arm in exchange for one... buy them online.  We watch for deals on the 12-inch variety and buy the Best Bully Sticks's 6-inch variety on a pretty regular basis.  Warnings:  Bully sticks can be very stinky!  Don't let your dog eat it on any upholstery... yuck.  They kind of get gooey as they're chewed on, and will harden back up as they dry.  If your dog is a gulper, pay special attention as he's getting down to the end of a bully stick, and take it away if it seems like it might become a choking hazard.  NOTE:  Costco actually has the very best deal on 12 inch bully sticks, but lately ours hasn't had any in stock.  It's worth checking to see if yours does, though!

#3 -- Merrick Grain Free Food.  This is our favorite dog food, mostly due to its high ratings on the Dog Food Advisor site.  It has a very high protein content and avoids cheap and artificial ingredients.  At least as I'm writing this, it is a full $10 cheaper on Amazon than it is at our local pet store, annnnd you don't have to haul the giant bag around!  Win! 

#4 -- Treats.  My rule for treats is to pay no more than $2 per ounce, and of course to avoid artificial ingredients and preservatives. These Pet n' Shape liver treats are my dogs' absolute favorites.  It's freeze-dried liver with pumpkin and apple added, so I reason that it's decently healthy for them too.  My pups also like these Zuke's Superfood Berry Blend and Zuke's Tender Beef Jerky.  They were also REALLY excited about these Hill's Soft Baked Naturals.

#5 -- Doggy Bags.  By "doggy bags" you understand that I don't mean takeout from your local restaurant, right?  :P  My favorites are Pogi's Poop Bags because they're earth friendly, durable, and not terribly expensive.  Pretty-please, clean up after your dog!  Dog poop is NOT fertilizer, as people like to joke, it is a pollutant.  It frequently contains parasite eggs or spores that spread to the ground around it if given the opportunity, and then the parasites very easily spread to other innocent dogs when they step on the ground and lick their paws later.  

AND pretty-pretty-please, use a biodegradable doggy bag!  Do we really want the archaeologists who will excavate our civilization sometime in the future to end up writing dissertations on their ancestors' bizarre habit of collecting and treasuring animal poop in small bags?  Scientists estimate that it will take plastic bags 500-1000 years to decompose, and that is terrifying.  Let's not add to the problem by immortalizing our pets' feces in plastic!

#6 -- Grooming Wipes, Shampoo, and Conditioner.  The Pogi's Grooming Wipes are also awesome -- they're big, thick, and textured so they draw off a lot more dirt than typical baby wipes.  Which was what I was using before switching to these, because baby wipes are so much cheaper (yes, I was using baby wipes without any potentially harmful additives!)... as a test, I wiped my dog off with a baby wipe, and then wiped him off again with the Pogi's Grooming Wipe... SO MUCH MORE DIRT!  Ew.  But better on the wipe than on my dog!  For bathtime we have used the Cloud Star 2-in-1 shampoo and conditioner line, and I have to say it smells great and left my dog really soft and clean!  However, Kaylee went through a period of having really sensitive skin, and so we had to switch away to a scent-free line.  We use this Earthbath Aloe and Oatmeal formula now, and have been pleased with it... plus no more skin issues, yay!  There is also a "matching" Aloe and Oatmeal Conditioner, which we bought as well, but after using it a few times we ended up stopping without noticing much difference.  If your dog has very dry skin or very long fur, however, it is probably worth the purchase.

#7 -- Toys.  Disclaimer, #7 and #8 on this list aren't as "natural" as the rest because the materials can vary, but there are lots of good deals on Amazon so I'm including them anyway! hard to give specifics for because the selection and prices change all the time, but I try to watch for toys $6 and under.  Rope toys tend to be much cheaper on Amazon than in the store, and are great for playing tug or for chewing.  I'm pretty big on these no-stuffing type toys right now too... one of our dogs is a Major Shredder!  You can also tend to find good old fashioned Kongs for much cheaper on Amazon.  A note on the Kong -- a dog owning friend once went on at length about how the black "heavy duty" Kongs are soooo much better than the regular ones... and I hid my eye-roll until now, haha!  My dog Kaylee can destroy EVERY SINGLE plastic toy I present her with, usually in less than 20 minutes, and she still hasn't made a dent in her regular old red kong almost 2 years later.  Unless you KNOW your dog will need it, or it happens to be on sale and cheaper, don't waste extra money on the heavy duty version.  This treat dispensing ball is another fun toy option -- Kaylee ripped apart one when I forgot to put it away and she had some time on her hands, but in general it holds up pretty well.  The Zeke's minis tend to fit nicely into it, and are affordable too.  

#8 -- Dog Kennels and Beds.  Amazon's selection of dog kennels can range from reasonable to very expensive, but we did purchase this one previously and have been happy with it.  It has a door on the side and a door on the end, which gives more flexibility for positioning it in the room.  Another affordable option for dog kennels is Hollywood Feed -- check them out if you aren't liking the options on Amazon!  

When it comes to dog beds, Costco has the best price, hands-down!  You can get a giant dog bed there for $30.  However, they literally are GIANT...  So if you're looking for more compact option you'd probably be better off just watching Amazon for deals.  

Oh dear, I think cat-lovers out there might be feeling neglected right now...  But I promise to be back with a cat-specific Amazon-natural-deals post next week.  :)  So stay posted for that!  

Now it's your turn -- do you have some awesome frugal-and-natural dog product I need to check out??  Please let me know in the comments!  My dogs and I will both thank you.  ;)
I've been wanting to try to switch to natural pet products!  This is perfect!- List of the best frugal and all-natural dog products available on Amazon -- cheap and affordable organic dog chews, bully sticks, antlers, treats, dog food, biodegradable poop bags, shampoo and grooming, toys, kennels and beds and more!  Perfect list for a new puppy owner -- what you need to buy! via Devastate Boredom

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  1. This reminds me, have you ever thought about making your own dog food? We did it for the month we had Linus (and had probably a month's worth of food left when he left us, so we stuck it in the freezer...but of course you know how THAT turned out...) I'd never tried it with my dog before, but it was super-easy and waaaay cheaper than the decent stuff we'd found at the store and so I wondered if you'd ever thought about it. I'm pretty sure I saved a bunch of stuff on in in an email, so let me know if you want me to pass it on....

    1. I definitely want the scoop on that! Periodically my husband goes "making our own food would probably be cheaper..." I got overwhelmed by the supplements you have to add to make sure they're getting all the right nutrients (bone meal? other weirdness?) but I'd love to hear your research.

  2. I started gagging a bit, as I read about the bully sticks!!
    I wasn't aware of biodegradable doggie bags. I'll have to check into those for my grand doggy.

    1. Ahahaha sorry for the gagging! ;P What kind of pup is your grand-doggy?

  3. I've been thinking I should look into bully sticks for my pup. I've always avoided them because of the reason you mentioned, but she doesn't like other things to chew on, but went after one of my sister's dogs bully sticks when she was at their house.

    1. I know, so much "ick" factor!! If only they didn't love them sooo much. ;P

  4. These are great. I found though that with my dog she will only chew on the hoofs. All the rest she just thinks she has a prize and has to hide them for safe keeping.

    1. Ahhh that's so cute and funny! One of my dogs will hide his too, but only for about ten minutes... then he goes and "digs it up" and settles in to enjoy it. I guess his self-control only goes so far, haha!

  5. I love the dog beds from Costco! They are the perfect size for my dogs and I also give them Bully Sticks. I am intrigued to try the Antlers and see how my dogs feel about those treats.

    1. Yes, Costco is so awesome! We love the antlers -- more expensive but last much longer.

  6. Our furry babies will enjoy these and our budgets would love these deals too.

  7. Thanks for the great info on Dogs! In dog we trust is a motto I adhere to! Also, dogs are good people, as are dog people! The antler is a surprise hit for my Gatsby! Great post and happy #FridayFrivolity

  8. Sarah, these are great tips. Our dog was very sensitive to foods and treats and we wanted to give her the best. She died a few years ago and we haven't gotten a new pet yet, one day we would like to, but know that we have to feed her the very best foods. This is a great post for us, I have pinned and stumbled so I can come back to it. There are so many bad things in pet food, we need to be aware of what's in it to keep our fur babies healthy!

  9. Good Morning Sarah,
    I was just perusing all the links on Thursday Favorite Things link party and wanted to let you know that I'm sharing this fab post on my Facebook group board, Doggy Furkids & Their People. We have a nice little community of dog lovers. It's a happy positive place and I'd like to invite you to join us.

    Thank you for sharing with Thursday Favorite Things.
    Olivia- co-hostess

  10. Those antler chews sound awesome! My old dog would have absolutely loved those. The new pup considers herself above such things as chewing and likes her food broken up for her lest she get messy! xD #FridayFrivolity

  11. Lots of great info here! Thanks for sharing at Funtastic Friday.


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