Stuff I've Been Thinking About Lately.... The Art of Zen via Coloring, Faulty Puppy Waste Disposal Units, and Downton Abbey

Stuff On My Mind Lately...

The Art of Zen via Coloring

YES, it's official, I'm on the coloring bandwagon. 

Don't hate!  :P  And jump on, it actually IS amazingly calming...  This is my favorite book, pretty designs and wonderful mottos  / mantras.  Here are 

some of the others I was tempted to buy... ;P  

Faulty Puppy Waste Disposal Units

Why, oh why, are my condo complex's puppy potty bags suddenly riddled with holes?? 

Nine months without a hole, and now it's every other bag... I half suspect some dog-hater is playing a mean trick on us.  =/

Downton Abbey Drama

I'm finally catching up on Downton Abbey -- I couldn't remember why I stopped watching and now I do, hahaha!  It was just too freaking upsetting for a while there... :P 

Yes, I made it through Matthew's death and kept watching, but the ongoing saga of "screw over Anna and Bates" got too rough in season four, and then poor Edith with the AWOL boyfriend, and all that on top of Tom and Mary's already existing angsty grief from the earlier seasons... *shakes head*  I just couldn't do it any more.  But curiosity has finally won out, so I'm watching again.

Also, Amazon prime is fantastic.  I was bending over backwards trying to request the season four DVDs from the library -- got one but it was the wrong disk, and then there was a long waiting list for the others, and this went on for a minute only for me to realize that all the seasons but the most recent are available to stream for free via Amazon Prime.  *facepalm*  

Uh-mazing and so easy.  Here's an ad for prime on the off-chance you aren't already a member...

SO. Many. Perks.  In addition to the two day free shipping, the 15% off "subscribe and save" feature, and streaming video library, they also have a HUGE streaming music library, a free new book release each month for kindle, and a kindle lending library where you can borrow a book for free each month as well.  And, 20% off diapers apparently too?  Sweet!

There turned out to be a lot of affiliate links in this post, but they cost nothing to you and help me fund my coffee habit!  ;P  As always, ALL opinions are entirely honest and my own.

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  1. I would enjoy doing this. Yes I would.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  2. I got into the app Colorify for a couple days. I felt like a kid again. It's a pretty relaxing pastime. We watched all of Downton Abbey too. I loved seeing the fashion changes over the timespan of the series. I did get a little bit tired of the Bates drama, but was invested by then, so watched till the end.

  3. Re: puppy bags. It's conspiracy! Does the management charge a fee if they catch you not cleaning up?? They're trying to raise money by putting out holey bags!!

  4. Downton Abbey gets so much better again - keep at it! :)

  5. I saw a coloring book of swear words yesterday that tempted me (apparently there are quite a few! haha). And I love my Amazon Prime, but have yet to stream any videos. Don't laugh, but I just figured out how to do it this past month. But I like my Kindle Owner's Lending Library and of course the Prime shipping.

  6. I've always loved to color and have a couple of coloring books (kid-versions, since I've had some of them since high school - which is waaaay before grown-up coloring books existed). Your colored pencils look so vivid, are they, or is it just the photo? And if they are, where did you find them? Glad you're watching Downton again. I'd found a way to watch them all when they were shown over on the other side of the pond, so I finished up the final episode I think before Christmas. No spoilers, but I think the show ended absolutely perfectly.

  7. The only problem with the adult colouring books is that there are too many I like! I have two at the moment and have bound myself not to buy any more until they are all coloured in...

    Anna and Bates was just the most torturous storyline. I just wanted to shake the writer and be like, give them a break!! #FridayFrivolity

  8. I haven't climbed on the adult coloring trend, but I am so tempted! I love the book you have, the patterns are so fun and interesting! And I have to admit that I never watched Downtown Abbey, but you may have convinced me to jump on that too! You are such a bad influence! LOL

  9. I love colouring! Haven't bought any of the adult colouring books yet but I get so frustrated when my two year old wants to stop colouring and I haven't finished my page Yet! Also gave up on downton abbey and went back to it. Ended up being happy it was over tbh! #fridayfrolics

  10. Hey lady! Spoiler alert ;) I've also got a colouring in book but it's basically to make me look zen, I haven't actually done any colouring #FridayFrolics


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