Crazy Stuff I've Seen in Dallas Texas - Hilarious Cars Edition! Decepticon rims, bumper stickers, vanity plates & more!

It's been a minute since I've done a Crazy Things I've Seen in TX post, but don't worry, I've been gathering material!  Oh yes!  A definite theme that I noticed recently is crazy cars... funny, weird, and unusual vehicles.  

Let's start with a laugh, shall we?  

ROFL seriously that's brilliant!  Bahahaha vanity license plate - Crazy, funny, weird things I've seen in Dallas Texas -- cars and automobiles edition!  Hilarious licenses plates, bumper stickers, Decepticon style rims and more! TX
I think that's officially my favorite vanity plate EVER.


This car owner, on the other hand, is clearly a very punny person, possibly with an insect phobia and a self-deprecating sense of humor.
Ahahaha too punny! Ew a Bug vanity license plate - Crazy, funny, weird things I've seen in Dallas Texas -- cars and automobiles edition!  Hilarious licenses plates, bumper stickers, Decepticon style rims and more! TX
Whoever thought that up was genius.  So simple!  So entertaining!  IT EVEN HAS SPACES!


I think this car is actually a Transformer... one of the evil ones. Those wheels have "Decepticon" written all over them! 
I think it doubles as a can-opener myself...  Decepticon rims - Crazy, funny, weird things I've seen in Dallas Texas -- cars and automobiles edition!  Hilarious licenses plates, bumper stickers, Decepticon style rims and more! TX
 ...either that or it doubles as a can-opener.


I adore this ice cream company's hilarious slogan. 
Best news I've seen all night, ha.  Ice cream truck slogan "Ice cream makes you pretty"! - Crazy, funny, weird things I've seen in Dallas Texas -- cars and automobiles edition!  Hilarious licenses plates, bumper stickers, Decepticon style rims and more! TX
 If only it were true!  We all better have another bowl, just in case.

Let's get this from another angle too...
I'm feeing prettier already, ha.  Ice cream truck slogan "Ice cream makes you pretty"! - Crazy, funny, weird things I've seen in Dallas Texas -- cars and automobiles edition!  Hilarious licenses plates, bumper stickers, Decepticon style rims and more! TX
I'm feeling prettier already.


Hide your stick children!!  The T-Rex cometh!
OH nooooo!  Death and destruction for that poor car's stick family! Your Stick Family Was Delicious Bumper Sticker-  Crazy, funny, weird things I've seen in Dallas Texas -- cars and automobiles edition!  Hilarious licenses plates, bumper stickers, Decepticon style rims and more! TX
Morbid?  Yes.  Hysterical?  Also yes.

That's all for today, but I have "Crazy Things I've Seen in Texas: Antique Store Edition" all ready to go in the very near future!  Oh yes, be scared... be very scared!  I have some truly hilarious and bizarre finds to share with you!  ;P

Here are some of the places you might see this post partying! 

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  1. Those first two license plates are the best! I wish it didn't cost extra to have fun plates or I'd be all over that.

  2. I hope you find as much fun stuff driving around in the new neighborhood.

    If you'll excuse me, I am off to go have some ice cream now.

  3. Those are some great finds! I've started to see an increase in bumper stickers attacking or telling off the stick figure families on the roads in Mass, but never a TRex. Definitely missing out.

  4. Ok, that T-Rex eating the stick family is officially the BEST! I've got to find one.

  5. Those were hilarious and I can't believe you just run across these things! I'm off to join Audrey in a bowl of ice cream...

  6. Why, yes, ice cream DOES make me prettier! If fatter equals prettier!!
    Ew a bug would have been hysterical on a Beetle!!
    I guess the rims guy wants to be the only one on the road! And he'll do anything to insure it!

  7. Oh wow texans are AWESOME! Bahaha,now that would be sooo cool to have as a licence plate! #fridayfrolics

  8. Love the bug one. Thanks for linking up to #FridayFrolics

  9. I'm on the East Coast, but a friend of mine just moved to Texas. Some of the pictures he posts crack me up

  10. These are hilarious! I love a good laugh looking at a vanity plate and trying to figure it out. And I am a firm believer that ice cream makes you pretty, had my dose last night! LOL And it even had fruit in it, so I filled the dairy and fruit areas of my diet. And does chocolate fit into the nut and grain department? If so, I hit 3 food groups. LOL But the winner is the T-Rex! Love that. I don't have a stick family on my car, so this is the best!


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