Inspirational Printables and September Goal Review + Link-Up Community

awesome free printables to motivate you to tackle goals and progress! -- Free inspirational and motivational printables - quote art for your fridge, mirror, or gallery wall!  Make Things Happen and May You Live Every Day of Your Life by Jonathan Swift - various colors and designs to choose from.  Jump start your goals by printing these typographic posters, and then join the Life of Intention community link-up! via Devastate Boredom
awesome free printables to motivate you to tackle goals and progress! -- Free inspirational and motivational printables - quote art for your fridge, mirror, or gallery wall!  Make Things Happen and May You Live Every Day of Your Life by Jonathan Swift - various colors and designs to choose from.  Jump start your goals by printing these typographic posters, and then join the Life of Intention community link-up! via Devastate Boredom

Anybody else excited about October??  October was always one of my favorite months growing up because it was the month of birthdays (my own, my younger brother's, and my dad's) and also the month of Halloween!  Actually, we didn't really celebrate Halloween when I was a kid, but our church always had a Harvest Festival that was pretty much the best thing ever... basically a fair where all the games were free.  And we still all got to dress up so... free fair in costumes??  Kid paradise!  

This post is going to multi-task a little bit and serve as both my long-promised new installment of inspirational printables AND a review of monthly goals... since clearly we will accomplish more goals when we are motivated and inspired, I hope it will be an acceptable combo.  ;)

Goals first, printables at the end as a reward for our hard work!

I failed to do a goals post at the beginning of September (but I had a good reason!) so let's first review what my goals had been for the previous month, as well as how my progress went.  

My goals for August:

  • Be consistent in looking and applying for jobs.  Try to apply to at least 4 a week.  I actually did really well on this, and applied to four jobs a week for a couple of weeks... and then I stopped, because I found a job!  I found a gig tutoring verbal test-prep for college and graduate school entrance exams (SAT / ACT / GRE / GMAT) and it's been working out really well.  The last couple of weeks I've been passing 20 hours a week with it, so now I'm just working on finding a good balance time-wise that allows me time to work on creative projects as well.
  • Draft 20,000 new words for my fantasy novel.  No, this one didn't happen, due to the new job thing.  That's okay though, I'm gearing back into it for October.
  • Find a doctor, eye doctor, and vet.  Make appropriate appointments.  We managed the vet appointments!  I have a doctor's appointment scheduled soon too, but I still gotta find an eye doctor in the next month or so.
  • Create and begin to practice a more deliberate posting routine for this blog.  That did not happen, AT ALL.  ;P  But I have several posts half-done as I type, so hopefully this one will gear back up too.
  • Make plans to visit family.   Check!  Made plans AND visited family last month.
  • In addition to walking my dogs, do 30 minutes of additional physical activity (yoga, strength training, etc) 5 days a week  Check!  I've been averaging two strength training and three yoga sessions a week lately. *pats self on back*

New Goals for October:
  • Plan and throw Halloween birthday party for my dad.  I've thought of a lot of ideas but not started any actual preparations yet.  I'm hoping to do some fun, creepy themed-food and a bunch of dollar-store hacks for decorations, so keep an eye out for a pinterest-fails type of post as a result... I am NOT very crafty, haha!
  • Write 20,000 words of my fantasy novel.  I have a new writing software I'm excited about, and I've been doing a lot of brainstorming for material over the past few months, so hopefully this will be pretty painless once I manage to get started.
  • Figure out how to do a kindle promotion for my ebook.  You're supposed to be able to do a "free book" day, OR some kind of graduate sales period when it starts at a really low price and then gets a little higher each day until it's back to normal... I gotta figure all that out and decide which to do.
  • Stay active.  Keep up the fitness!
  • Post on this blog three times a week.  I can do this!  At least... I think I can, I think I can...
  • Find an eye doctor.  Make an appointment.  I freaking hate the ophthalmologist.  They always have trouble sizing my contacts correctly because of my astigmatism, and then I get way stressed out with the new equipment to check for possible glaucoma.  You remember how it used to be the puff of air in your eye?  I had a hard enough time keeping my eye open for that, but now they come and poke you in the eye with what looks like a giant pen...  My anxiety level always increases my overall blood pressure and gives a false high reading, and then they have to do the air puff after all... TRAUMA.  Feel sorry for me!!
Okay, I missed our Community of Intention link-up last week, so I'm extra excited to see what everyone has this month!  Posts from August / September are welcome as well, since I'm behind on what has been going on with everybody....

Now it's your turn!!  

Join the Life of Intention linky party below and I'll hop on by -- and share your post via social media too!  In addition, one lucky party participant will randomly win a feature next month! Sweeeeet!  

(please note, only posts about goals or living life with intention will be eligible for a feature.  All other posts, please consider linking up at my #FridayFrivolity weekly party instead!)

If you don't blog, tell me about your goals in the comments.  Either way, I can't wait to read your goals for October, and/or ooh-and-ahh over your progress from last month.  :)  


 Our lovely feature for this month is Erin over at Stay at Home Yogi, with her post Goals Inspiration Round-Up + Quarter 2 Review.  Erin shares honestly about the ups and downs of seeking change and progress, as well as some helpful resources for continuing forward motion just the same. Among her victories so far this year, Erin LOST 30 LBS, significantly decreased her family's debt, reduced her family's screen time habit, and started to prioritize self-care.  Way to go, Erin!!

If you enter your email address when you submit your post, we may use it to notify you of the linky going live in the future.  We respect your privacy, and would never sell or share your information.  If you do not wish to share your email address, simply enter a "-" in the email field.  :)

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Okay, finally the moment you've all been waiting for... the printables!  I have two quotes to share with y'all, in four different styles for each.
awesome free printables to motivate you to tackle goals and progress! -- Free inspirational and motivational printables - quote art for your fridge, mirror, or gallery wall!  Make Things Happen and May You Live Every Day of Your Life by Jonathan Swift - various colors and designs to choose from.  Jump start your goals by printing these typographic posters, and then join the Life of Intention community link-up! via Devastate Boredom

awesome free printables to motivate you to tackle goals and progress! -- Free inspirational and motivational printables - quote art for your fridge, mirror, or gallery wall!  Make Things Happen and May You Live Every Day of Your Life by Jonathan Swift - various colors and designs to choose from.  Jump start your goals by printing these typographic posters, and then join the Life of Intention community link-up! via Devastate Boredom

In return, if you haven't already, please consider signing up for the Devastate Boredom email list!  Your subscription will unlock the full library of free printables, both past and future, for your inspirational pleasure.  ;)

Here are some of the places you might see this post partying! 


  1. OhMyGoodness - YES on the eye doctor!! I have stories...yet another way we're cut from the same cloth!

  2. Great job on getting the job! ;) Yay for the working out!!
    Vet-your pet gets ... (ran outta et words...)
    I hate the eye dr too!!!!
    Thanks for the printables!

  3. I love these quotes. I've always loved motivational ones. We need them fresh every day, don't we? :)

  4. May You Live Every Day of Your Life. Such a simple quote, but so profound! I love your new link up! Thanks for the feature! <3 <3 <3

  5. Congrats on the job Sarah and I'm with you on the eye doctor thing. Why do the do that, it's so freaky. Wishing you a beautiful October birthday and lots of words for your fantasy novel.


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