Time for a laugh - Funny Diets and Chocolate Memes! #FridayFrivolity Blog Party

Hello Friday, and hello friends!  

This week has BLOWN by for me, but here we are again!  And I'm ever so glad to see you, as always.  :)

I will sneak some quick confessions in before we get started... I am way behind on reading y'alls posts from the past couple of link-ups.  :(  I am very sad and sorry for that, and I WILL catch up on my reading and tweet / pin / comment up a mad storm over the weekend, but I just wanted to be honest and apologize up front if you've noticed a distinct lack of Sarah-Eliza in your comment section lately.  

Forgive me!!  I'll be by soon to make it up to you, I swear.  

This week's #FridayFrivolity theme is food / dieting... and I found some hilarious memes on that topic!  No comment about how my own personal eating habits have looked lately, haha.

First up, if Barney took up body-building... it would be pretty scary.

Funny diets and chocolate memes - unchaperoned child at a birthday party, Barney body builder, diet break-up letter, grumpy cat, and more!
 Source imgur

Then some words of wisdom from Grumpy Cat...

Funny diets and chocolate memes - unchaperoned child at a birthday party, Barney body builder, diet break-up letter, grumpy cat, and more!
source Imgur

I mean, sometimes you've just gotta be honest with yourself about whether a relationship has a future or not...

source: Can'ts into Cans

Funny diets and chocolate memes - unchaperoned child at a birthday party, Barney body builder, diet break-up letter, grumpy cat, and more!
source:  Memecenter

And then of course, we've all had these days!
Funny diets and chocolate memes - unchaperoned child at a birthday party, Barney body builder, diet break-up letter, grumpy cat, and more!

Like what you're reading? Subscribe via email, and I'll keep the good stuff coming! Then let me know that you did... I love to make new friends!

Here are some of the places you might see this post partying! 


  1. awesome choices! You know I love Grump Cat

  2. I hate diets. They suck. I love all this though. Loved the cat.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. ☺

  3. Hahaha - unchaperoned child at a birthday party, that one's great! #FridayFrivolity

  4. I think you might like my visit to a local off-beat candy shop.

  5. Haha, I love that Barney one! My brother is a total gym nut and his entire instagram feed is full of body builder poses - I'm always tempted to spoof it with a chocolate bar in place of the weights or something. xD #FridayFrivolity

    1. That's amazing!! Definitely do that, and write a whole #FridayFrivolity post around it... ;P Sounds hilarious!

  6. Thanks for the laughs and the party!
    Have a great weekend :)

  7. Sarah Eliza, now I'm traumatized!! Barney Body Builder is SCARY!! Now I can never watch him again, cuz that image is burned into my retinas!!
    Unsupervised child at party!! lol Yup, that's been me lately!! (Who left the ice cream bars unsupervised???)

    1. So sorry I've ruined Barney for you! Well, sorta kinda not really... cuz it's awfully funny too... ;P

      And you're hysterical with those ice cream bars!

  8. Loved the e-card diet break-up - boring and tasteless pretty much sums up most diet foods - which is probably why I'm so bad at the whole thing! Thanks for hosting x

  9. Thanks for hosting the party Sarah! Have a great weekend!

  10. Those memes just delight me so much, especially Barney's! HA.


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