Groupon Coupons - The #1 Way to Save Money on Your Next Online Purchase - Exclusive Codes, Secret Sales, and more!

This is a sponsored post. All opinions are honest, and my own, always!

Definitely using this tip next time I shop online!  The #1 Thing You Need to Know to Save Money Shopping Online with Groupon Coupons - Reviewing groupon's new free coupon site, and what makes it different from any other coupon code collection site out there... frugal souls everywhere, rejoice in the chance to save money shopping online!  Free shipping, discounts, secret sales - via Devastate Boredom
Do y'all remember how revolutionary Groupon was when it first launched?  The deals!  The snarky humor!  I was just out of college and totally broke, so when I discovered Groupon it was a love at first click.  I even blogged about it.... awww, cute, broke, 20-something Sarah Eliza!

Fast forward six years and Groupon is only getting better, with the addition of Groupon Coupons!  If you're not already scouting online for coupon codes before you place an order on a store's website, you need to start now, and Groupon Coupons needs to be the first place you look.  Why, you might be asking?  What makes it different from any other coupon code collection site out there?

In a word -- exclusives

Groupon, being the huge, hulking, money-saving behemoth that it is, has arranged with certain stores to offer coupon codes and sale opportunities that you're just not going to find anywhere else.  Currently, the exclusives include stores as varied as Office Depot, Go Daddy, and Verizon.  Tomorrow, who knows?  Definitely something to keep an eye on going forward!

And aside from the exclusives, there are 66,000+ coupons collected here, ready to come to the rescue next time your mouse cursor is hovering over the "buy" icon as you silently bemoan the full-price status of your virtual shopping cart. Current deals include free shipping at Cabela's, a 75% off surprise sale at Kate Spade, and an extra 20% off at Kohl's.

I very rarely buy anything online without a coupon code, and now that you know about Groupon Coupons you shouldn't have to either!  Frugal souls everywhere, rejoice!

Now go forth and save money, brethren!

Here are some of the places you might see this post partying! 

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  1. Woo hoo!! SAving money is so smart!! coupons of any kind are free money! Why would I leave free money sitting there??
    I didn't know about Groupon Coupons, thanks!
    I'm no longer bored today! ;)

  2. I'm terrible using coupons. I forget and then many of them expire. I need to check this out.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  3. Hi Sarah, I have heard of Groupon, but have never checked it out, although I do use coupons when I can. I think a visit to the Groupon website is in order in the very near future.


  4. I am so bad about checking Groupon for discounts. I'll have to go check it out for the coupons.

  5. We use Groupon whenever we splurge and go out to eat (remember our recent German chowdown?) - especially whenever we travel, but I had NO CLUE that it had coupons, too! Hmph, you learn something new every day...

  6. That sounds like a great way to save. I don't think we have them here in Australia. They sound like a good idea.
    Blogger's Pit Stop

  7. I have used groupon in the past, I'm not sure why I stopped. I forgot about it, I suppose. I need to take these tips and utilize them when I shop, I can always buy more when I spend less per item. Now that is inspiring! LOL Watch out world, here I come!

  8. Great post! I had no idea Groupon added coupons!


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