Crazy Stuff I've Seen in Texas: Freaky Signs Edition - The Skin Art Gallery, Legal Drug Store, & Cajun Fried Turkeys in a Warehouse!

Oh man, life gets so busy!  I meant to have this post up LAST week.  *rolls eyes*  Oh well, here's the latest installment of Crazy Stuff I've Seen in Texas... Freaky Signs Edition!  ;)

First up... maybe it's just a tattoo parlour named for the way some people choose to use their epidermis as a canvas for inked masterpieces... or maybe it's the freakiest collection of art ever... *shudder*

This little place tried it's hardest to look nonchalant as we were driving by, but oh no, I spotted it!

Let's get a closer look...

Hmmm... legal drugs, you say?  Plus good times and music?  It doesn't appear to be in business any more, and I have no idea why... sounds pretty rockin' to me!  As a finishing touch, did you notice this little feature gracing the top of the establishment?

Looks an awful lot like a look-out post / "guard shack" to me... a feature clearly necessary for all upstanding "legal drug" stores worth their salt.  I sooo want to go in there and check it out... that cougar and toy car hint of all kinds of fantastic bizarreness still inside, don't you think?

And lastly, may I recommend a new source for all your poultry needs?  

I'm not dumb enough brave enough to try them myself, but please, do so and let me know how it is!  

I love how they don't try to sell you on it... no, "BEST Cajun Fried Turkeys in Dallas!" no "Don't worry, we don't cook them here..." not even "Delicious Cajun Fried Turkeys!"  Nope, whoever put that sign up seems to figure that the readers either want a cajun fried turkey or they don't.  If you do want one, well, you know their number.

And if cajun fried turkeys is actually code for marijuana or something, then that's pretty clever... and you also now have their number.  ;P

That's all for this week, but I have more photos of crazy stuff I've seen in Dallas coming soon!  And if you haven't already, be sure to check out my previous posts of TX nuttiness here (more weird signs) and here (zombie squad truck!).  :)

Here are some of the places you might see this post partying! 

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  1. Those are some interesting signs indeed. Make you wonder too.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  2. Hilarious, and I love the idea for these posts!

  3. Texas I have visited a few times and traveled there for business as well. I always enjoyed it and everyone was incredibly friendly! These sightings are hilarious!!

    1. Yes, most people are super nice, I agree. :) It's a fun place, with plenty of personality for sure!

      Hoppin' over to check out your blog!

  4. Hilariously random! Love the cougar in the top of the legal drug building! You can't make this stuff up!

    1. I KNOW, that building KILLED me... ;P I made my husband turn the car around so I could take pictures. So funny and bizarre!

  5. Ha, Looks like you had a great time down south. So are you going to Waco to visit the store that the Fixxer Uppers have opened. Everyone is raving about that. Too bad I'm so far away!

    1. I've heard people talking about it! Come visit me Mary, and we'll go see it together!! ;P

  6. Oh my! I wonder why there isn't a line out the door to buy Cajun turkeys at that place?! ;)

  7. You have such an interesting life out there in Texas!! I want a legal drug place with live music in my town!!
    And OF Course I wanna Cajun fried turkey! Why didn't ya say so sooner??!! I'm sure they could get it shipped out here to me within 5 days, doncha think?

    1. Ahahahaha I know, I know, I don't understand how the Legal Drug / Music Joint could have ever gone out of business.... a travesty!

      Give them a call, I'm sure they can hook you up with a cajun fried turkey via mail... ;)

  8. I like how the 'drug' bit looks like it's just been stuck on, as if it cover up something even more exciting (yet legal...) #fridayfrivolity

    1. YES, I noticed that tooooooo! I wonder what it could have been??? ;P

      Always good to see you Jessica!

  9. Got to love the second one. Oh, the stories that place could tell huh?

  10. The skin art definitely sounds like it could be something out of Silence of the Lambs... creepy!

  11. Hi,
    Sounds like you had an interesting time in Texas.
    Thanks for bringing this to Pit Stop.
    Janice, Pit Stop Crew

    1. Oh yea, TX is something all right... thanks for coming by Janice!

  12. hahaha, those are such awesome finds! :P It looks like they really tried hard with that legal drugs one... >_>

    1. Thanks Farrah! I mean, they definitely had ME convinced! Totally on the up-and-up.

  13. I love your take on these signs. Once on a road trip we saw a sign that said

    Karate Supplies
    Swords & Knives
    Pepper Spray & Stun Guns

    And I thought, now THERE'S a store I should never ever take my 5 kids inside!

    1. Oh my gosh, Jenny, that's amazing!! In a completely terrifying way...!

  14. I need to head to Texas to see all of this cool stuff.

    1. Yes, do, you'd end up with so many great photos, Patrick....

  15. Too funny! I love Texas, and it never fails to disappoint! :)

    A friend of ours once told us of a sign he saw in another country that was written in English (not the language of the country). The problem was that it was a long word ("psychotherapist") and a tall narrow sign, so it looked like this:


    OOPS! :)

  16. Fun post! Thanks for sharing it at country fair blog party! Jan @ Tip Garden

  17. Haha these are so funny. Thanks for linking up to #justanotherlinky xx

  18. I like the Cajun Fried Turkeys. Like whole turkeys.

    1. Oh yea baby, you're gonna need the WHOLE turkey... but yeah, that's totally a thing! People buy GIANT deep fryers, and fry the whole freaking turkey... every Thanksgiving people have explosions from dropping a frozen turkey into a deep fryer... that's an American thing. *nods hard* We're just weird like that. ;P

      Coming over to check out your blog!!

    2. The explosions aren't deliberate though, in case I made that sound like it was part of our Thanksgiving tradition over here... ;P It's an accident, and people get hurt, and I'm a bad person for laughing!

  19. Haha, these look very dubious, especially the legal drugs den with the bear in the look out post! #fridayfrolics

  20. Heehee this is brilliantly hilarious! You know I'll be thinking about this the whole weekend long! #FridayFrolics

  21. Brilliant. Those turkeys are so appealing!!!! Thanks for linking up to #FridayFrolics

  22. There are some brilliant signs out there - I wonder who thinks them up?! #FridayFrolics

  23. Haha - I love a weird sign! I am concerned about the skin art, & I think cajun fried turkeys is definitely a code for something! It HAS to be, right?? #fridayfrolics


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