Funny and Horrible Mom Advice! - #FridayFrivolity

Funny and Horrible Mom Advice! #FridayFrivolity

Hello Friday, and hello friends!

The theme at this week's #FridayFrivolity is another that I feel a little unqualified to speak to at this moment in time... "Horrible New Mom Advice."  Not being a mom yet, I'm honestly not sure what is good versus bad advice... and (fortunately for my sanity, rofl) I really haven't gotten much advice yet at all.  

So rather than try to guess what advice might be Bad Advice, I'm going to just give you one recommendation that I think is quite sound, both from a practical and a scientific-child-brain-development perspective...

EDIT 2/2/2018:  Here I had inserted a meme showing a woman holding a cell phone in one hand and pushing a stroller with the other -- the photo had caught the stroller in the midst of tipping over, and the child falling out.  It had the caption "Do not text and Mommy," which in our technology-driven age seemed quite relevant.  I did not create the meme, and I really didn't intend any judgement on the unknown woman it depicted, since accidents happen to all of us even when we aren't distracted.  However, I have since been informed by a reader that the woman in the image was a celebrity who passed away under tragic circumstances, and that an issue with the sidewalk was to blame for the accident and not any negligence on the woman's part.  It is never my intention to mock the vulnerable or to be hurtful with humor, and I was very saddened to hear of this woman's tragedy and that her children are now motherless.  I have removed the image as a result and apologize to anyone hurt by my carelessness.

...or, buy strollers with extra crash protection in the head-region.  I guess that would work too. 😜

Check out my other cohosts at Syncopated Mama, Munofore, and Babi a Fi for all kinds of funny and horrible new mom advice.... And if you have any advice that I will probably hear as a new mom and that I definitely should NOT listen to, let me know in the comments. 😉

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  1. Don't text and mommy...thats funny! Glad to be back linking up again this week!

  2. Of course, if you don't bother with a stroller in the first place (unless you're at Disney or something), then the texting isn't as much of a problem... :D (& btw, SO sorry I didn't respond to your text yet - rink's open, so=CRAZY!!)

  3. Love this! Motherhood was a revelation, then motherhood with a wonderful son who happens to have Autism is like riding a roller coaster on another planet - but what fun! Thanks for this, hope this weekend treats everyone kindly. Now of to visit and share some more! :)

  4. LMFAO that poor kid in the stroller. SMH.
    Too funny. Thanks for hosting!

  5. LOL! See, you're already a natural at motherhood! Definitely don't text and mommy at the same time. Haha! Thanks for hosting...happy to be linking up again this week.

  6. Thanks for hosting a great party! And thanks for featuring my soup!! I'm totally honored!

  7. Uh, yeah, I'm thinking that advice is a safe bet! lol
    AS for Mommying- love the baby, feed him/her, and dress appropriate for the weather! You got this, Sarah Eliza!


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