Inspiration for April Fools Day... Frozen Cereal, Googly Eyed Refrigerator, Fake Fingers, Head in a Jar, and more!

Who's psyched for Friday?  And of course, FRIVOLITY??  ;P  Today's theme is April Fools Day, which is lucky because otherwise I NEVER would have remembered it was coming.  In case you're forgetful like me and need some inspiration, here are some of my favorite tricks and pranks I've come across lately.

First up, the frozen cereal trick....

So easy and so classic!  Tragically, we have no cereal in my house right now, which means this prank won't be making the rounds this year.

Hehe this one is just fun and silly.... 

This one is a little gruesome in a Halloween-y way, but I still think it would work great for an April Fools prank on an adult, or big kids...

Along the same line...  *laughing ghoulishly*

If you have small-ish kids, they will definitely get a kick out of this one!

What's your favorite April Fools Day prank??  Please share!

Like what you're reading? Subscribe via email, and I'll keep the good stuff coming! 

Now on to the link-up! :D 

Friday Frivolity Superbowl / Football Memes Edition! (Sort of, Not Really...  ;P) Plus the Friday Frivolity LINKY PARTY - the blog link-up for all things Fun, Funny, Happy, and Hopeful!

Friday Frivolity Superbowl / Football Memes Edition! (Sort of, Not Really...  ;P) Plus the Friday Frivolity LINKY PARTY - the blog link-up for all things Fun, Funny, Happy, and Hopeful!

The Hosts:

Friday Frivolity Host Sarah Eliza from Devastate Boredom

Sarah Eliza is on a mission to Devastate Boredom by living a life full of all of her favorite things... friendship and connection, laughter, books and music, furbaby love, minimalism, wellness pursuits, Paleo-ish cooking, and on and on!  Curious about how to create a capsule wardrobe without losing your mind??  Check out her series here!

Host, Lisa, Friday Frivolity Superbowl / Football Memes Edition! (Sort of, Not Really...  ;P) Plus the Friday Frivolity LINKY PARTY - the blog link-up for all things Fun, Funny, Happy, and Hopeful!
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Lisa is an awesomely hilarious and authentic writer who marches to her own drum on her blog Syncopated Mama, providing an "un-labelly spot" for all the happily off-beat folks out there who have been wishing to find kindred spirits.  She shares her adventures building a natural home, teaching her adorbs daughter, establishing and refining positive communication skills, camping, creating, cooking, and so much more!  I was especially excited to see her post about how to make amazing homemade bread WITHOUT a bread maker... yes please!

Host, Audrey, Friday Frivolity Superbowl / Football Memes Edition! (Sort of, Not Really...  ;P) Plus the Friday Frivolity LINKY PARTY - the blog link-up for all things Fun, Funny, Happy, and Hopeful!

Audrey is a wonderfully eclectic blogger, who not only can cook up a storm over on That Recipe, but also writes at Munofore - "MUsings NOt FOod RElated."  Munofore touches on humor, parenting, crafting, holiday ideas, tutorials, and more!  She had an amazing post recently, explaining how to make your social media feeds "happy" again, that you HAVE to read!

Jessica is an amazingly funny and smart blogger from Wales who writes at Babi a Fi on a whole range of topics -- from entertaining vintage nostalgia, to technology tutorials, to book reviews, to raising her adorable munchkin, and so much more!  Check out her most recent post, British Tag for a super fun peek into the cultural side of her day-to-day life!

Featured Post from Last Week:
In a fun twist, since we now have four hosts we will also have FOUR FEATURES.... but you will have to go check out the other three blogs to see if you were featured there!  ;)  

"The Funny Side of Sleep Deprivation"
Erin over at Stay at Home Yogi shares stories of the random and hilarious things she's done "under the influence" of child-caused sleep-deprivation...  The wallet in the fridge!  The dirty dishes story!  But at the same time, the haze of sleep deprivation isn't actually very funny in the moment, so go leave her encouraging comment love.  ;P 

Now time for the new stuff! 

This a link-up for all things funny, fun, encouraging, hopeful, and happy.  That includes free printables, giveaways, and other fun stuff to make us SMILE and start the weekend off on the right foot. 

If you're here in search of fun and uplifting reading materials, skip the rules and just start clickin'! 

Bloggy buddies, thanks for coming to par-tay! 

You are welcome to link up to 3 posts, and old posts are always welcome!  

There are three rules only: 

Friday Frivolity Superbowl / Football Memes Edition! (Sort of, Not Really...  ;P) Plus the Friday Frivolity LINKY PARTY - the blog link-up for all things Fun, Funny, Happy, and Hopeful!


  1. Oh my gosh...I LOVE the frozen cereal prank and I'm totally getting the Cheerios out after I'm done commenting!!! I think I'll skip the head in the jar though. I'll be the one paying for it when they wake me up in the middle of the night from having nightmares...LOL! Thanks for hosting. I hope you have a fabulous weekend!!!

    1. Awesome!! Did you really do it?? I want to hear how it went! ;P And yes, the head in the jar is pretty freaky!

  2. Following all on Pinterest. Didn't see a tweet to share button, so I just copied the tweet into twitter and tweeted it.

  3. thanks so much for the linky (and for the April Fools Day smiles!) I love visiting here with you girls xx

  4. Ahhhh, the head in the jar!!!! So not cool! ;) Thank you so much for featuring my post! I am shocked that I function well enough to write a blog at all, LOL :)

    1. SO not cool, I agree... And you write a remarkably fun and engaging blog for being so tired! ;P

  5. Thanks for the great April Fools Inspiration! Have a good weekend!

  6. I wish I'd remembered about the eyes in the fridge thing! I always want to do that one here for April Fools day. I'd love to see the look on the kids' faces. haha

    1. Next year! I printed the eyes because I didn't have any real googly eyes available, and that totally still worked...

  7. Thanks for hosting! Hope you have an amazing weekend :)

  8. Thanks for all of the great April 1 ideas! Love the frozen cereal and the googlie-eyes :) Wishing you a fantastic weekend!

  9. How fun is this. Way fun. Such great idea to play April fools jokes on those we love.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. ☺

    1. Just silly random fun to change things up... I had a good time with it. ;P

  10. Hello Sarah Eliza,
    thank you for another great party!
    many greetings

  11. I HAVE to remember the googly eyes on everything in the fridge! That would be perfect for Gv and me to do as a joke on G next year (she'd probably enjoy doing it today, but I'm just not up for it...) And you have to tell me how you shared those pins on here - send me a message with the directions, because I totally want to use that method in one of our upcoming #FridayFrivolity parties!

  12. I hate April Fools Day and refuse to celebrate it. I always feel bad for the person who was fooled, and I hate it happening to me lol.

    Thanks for hosting and Happy Weekend :)

    1. Ahhhh I don't do any "mean" ones myself... I even hate the "brown Es" one because I feel like people would be so let down by the lack of actual brownies... but I don't mind the silly ones. :P

  13. I just love the head in the jar! That is awesome! I'll have to put that one in my back pocket for next year. Thank you for hosting #FridayFrivolity!

    1. Ahahaha I'm glad you like it Regina! :) Thanks for coming by!

  14. Going to say that I am boring but I don't really do April Fools Day. I was taught in college that it started in the middle ages when the court jesters (those who were disabled-CP, Autism, etc) were allowed outside the castle one day a year-The Fools Day. Being a SPED teacher, I frown on it.

    Sorry to be a kill joy.

    1. Oh yikes, that is an upsetting backstory. I understand your conscientious objections!

  15. Thank you for hosting this week!!
    Have a great weekend!

  16. I love the frozen cereal idea, I've never seen that before! The witches fingers too! When we finally get around to trying the knot, we're thinking of having a halloween type reception party with lots of creepy food and costumes. :D #FridayFrivolity

    1. Ooooh that sounds like so much fun! I want to come celebrate your big day with you when it happens! :P

  17. Oh Sarah Eliza! Love all except the fingers- gross!!
    Frozen cereal is genius!
    My second grand was just born an hour ago, so can't link up, too much to do!
    See ya next week hopefully!


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