Hello Spring Cleaning and Awesome Fashion Finds $25 or LESS!

Hello Spring Cleaning and Awesome Fashion Finds $25 or LESS!

Wow, it's been a long time since I posted!  Sorry for the long silence.... I've missed y'all!  As it turns out, growing a human is distracting.  I was going to say "exhausting" but really I've been more distracted than exhausted, at least until the last week or so when I finally went into hard-core nesting mode / spring cleaning.  Nesting / spring cleaning while nine and a half months pregnant is definitely exhausting!  But I'm pretty much done now, and that's a good feeling too... and from what I hear, this is probably the cleanest my house will be for the next 18 years! 😜

I was trying to catch up on bloggy stuff, start a couple of future posts, update my ads (pennies and dimes add up! *coughBabiesAreExpensivecough*), etc, and ended up totally distracted by "ooooh what good deals can I find for less than $25" instead.  After spending what shall remain an undisclosed amount of time on THAT rabbit trail, I thought I might as well share some of my finds with y'all, along with this telegram-style "I've missed you!  More posts coming soon!"  For one thing, I've gotta fill you in on my preggo capsule wardrobe!  It was my smallest capsule yet, and still totally cute and effortlessly mix-and-matchable, so that's up next on my posts-to-be-written list. 😉 

In the meantime, enjoy a little bargain shopping... and say hi in the comments!  I'd love to hear what everybody's been up to... have you done your spring cleaning?  DO you spring clean?  Any good time-saving cleaning tips for the next 18 years for me??  I want to hear!!

Here are some of the places you might see this post partying! 

Like what you're reading? Subscribe via email, and I'll keep the good stuff coming! 


  1. Yay for a post from you! And I hope you'll get right on that maternity capsule wardrobe, because I can't wait to see what cute things you found!

  2. Hi Sarah Eliza!! Good to hear from you!! I've been waiting with bated breath to hear about your little honey bun arriving!!
    Spring cleaning?? If I clean at all, and it's spring- that's spring cleaning! lol
    Have been decluttering, tho!

  3. I miss you! Is baby here yet? Are you sick of hearing that question yet?

    My cleaning tip for you for the next 18 years (well at least 10-12): purge the toys when they aren't around. Ugh! I just attempted to go through the games with him last weekend and Mr. Almost 9 HAD to keep a few of the preschool games. I normally do it when he is at school, put things in a box and hide it for one month. If it isn't missed off it goes to charity.


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