Virtual Winter Sales Shopping Trip - Scarves and Gloves $10 and under! Perfect Accessories for a Minimalist Capsule Wardrobe!

It's been a while since I've done a fashion post, but then yesterday the frugal minimalist in me pointed out to myself that this is the best time to ditch well-worn winter necessities in place of bright, exciting new pieces, and I had to agree with myself.  Who doesn't love a good end-of-season sale??  ;P 

All of the finds I will be sharing with you are under $10, and originally were twice that or more.  You're welcome! (no guarantees on how long any of them will stay available, PS!)

Also, keep in mind that scarves and gloves make great gifts and stocking stuffers!  I have received some very weird teacher-gifts in my time, but I always counted scarves among the "good" gifts, and have loved scarves and gloves given to me by family members as well... which is all to say, this might be a good time to get a jump on holiday shopping too!  ;)

At the moment I am personally in need of a new pair of gloves (I ALWAYS lose ONE.  Yes, just one...) so here are some of the best deals I came across for warm, good-quality gloves. 
As a minimalist I also love scarves, since the perfect scarf is both functional and can almost act as statement jewelry, putting a whole new twist on all your "mix and matchable" outfit components.  These are some of my favorite heavier winter scarves on sale right now...

And here are some lighter scarves that look likely to transition well into spring...

As we're gradually inching our way towards spring, now is a perfect time to declutter your winter wardrobe!  Presumably you are very conscious of which clothes have been bringing you joy and warmth over the past few months, and which sweaters or tights always itch, and which pants never get worn, and which shirt makes you feel "blah"...  pass those bad-boys on to an organization that can put them to good use!  And then be sure to check out the series I did last fall on how to shape a minimalist capsule wardrobe, for more inspiration and guidance from there.  ;)

Here are some of the places you might see this post partying

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  1. I'm about to go through my closet and do this. I've stuff I didn't even touch this winter so they need to go to donation. I've got stuff that I've worn out too. They need to go to the rag bag. Out with the spring stuff. I've lots of new spring things.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

    1. I love decluttering, as you know! ;P Glad to hear you're purging and donating!!

  2. I love gloves too. I think there so classy, but it's always too hot here in Florida to wear them. Thanks for sharing with us at Funtastic Friday.

    1. Oooh yeah, Florida folks can just skip all this. ;P Thanks for coming by though Sherry!!

  3. Thanks for linking up to Top of the World Style. Yes, the time is now to stock up on great winter accessories!


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