Friday Frivolity: Win-able Contests. aka, Forget about the lottery! Try your luck for free!

There are TONS of contests and sweepstakes out there.  Legitimate ones I mean, not scams or companies ripping off your information.  Here are a few that I know from personal experience to be "winnable."

Allure Magazine has a giveaway BONANZA  every August, and I've won a ton of stuff from them over the years... some of which I later sold on ebay for pretty decent money.  *pats clever self on back*  The tricky part (that improves your odds) is that each giveaway is only open for a single hour.  So if you're working online and willing to pay a little attention, or just really really bored with plenty of attention to spare, you can enter 5 different giveaways in an afternoon.  The number of prizes usually varies depending on how much they're worth (I accidentally typed "depending on how much you're worth" -- very different meaning!  You're worth it all, you're so very worth it!), from 1 prize if it's something really good (never won any of those) to 500 prizes if it's a drugstore buy (won lots of those) and everywhere in between (won a few of those).  Ends August 31st.

Purina Pet Prize Pack Got a pet?  Win them some fun new stuff!  This one is an instant win, so instant fun or instant disappointment, one way or another... I haven't gotten lucky this year, but I have in the past.  Ends August 12th, so hurry, play every day!

Self Magazine prizes  You'll want to set your calendar with an alert for these, as these giveaways are only good on specific days each month.  One time I won a long knitted cardigan that retailed for almost $100. My closet was ecstatic!  Giveaways August 12th, August 26th, Sept 2nd, Sept 9th, Sept 23rd, Oct 7th.

Of course lots of other magazines offer giveaways as well, but for some reason (though I entered them just as religiously for a while there) I never won anything from them.  Still, if you have time to kill, search out your favorite mag and enter some sweepstakes!  You never know!

Read it Forward book giveaways.... newly published books, courtesy of Random House.  The giveaways occur every week or two, and they email you to let you know when to enter once you're on the mailing list.  I've won several times.... a couple of novels and a cookbook, I think.

And for a 100% guaranteed "win", Kroger always has an e-coupon for a free item each Friday... fairly often it's candy bars, snack bars, and drinks, but sometimes it's much more random like.... a Hormel Compleats Microwavable meal.  I was totally about to make fun of that, and then I realized, it means there IS such a thing as a free lunch!  ;P  And I'm all about free candy bars myself... so not so shabby, really.

If you win something, come back and tell me!  Thinking lucky thoughts in your direction...


  1. Fabulous Friday roundup!! :) I'll have to try my luck at some of these, I've got time to kill these days. I'll let you know if I win anything. Hope you do too!

  2. Cool! Nice to hear personal endorsements from someone I know!
    What you're worth- bwahahaha!!


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