This isn't even really a post, just me passing on a couple of good deals on products I like...
If you've been toying with the idea of going greener, here's a chance to try some products with little outlay... the company Grab Green is offering a trial package of soap, dishwasher detergent, laundry detergent, etc, for just $3.99 shipped! The numbers are limited so jump on it if you want to give it a try. Please note that these are not the MOST green options on the market (talking only about the hand soap - I haven't looked at the rest very closely yet), since their products with fragrance do contain "safe man-made ingredients" aka, artificial ingredients - but it is a definite improvement over conventional products and a good stepping stone if you're moving in a greener direction. If you're looking to jump right to the MOST wholesome and sustainable options (go you!), take a look at Dr. Bronner's soap
, Seventh Generation Hand Wash
, Kiss My Face Hand Soap
or Cleanwell antibacterial soap. The last one is awesome for killing germs while still avoiding nasty triclosan, but if you have dry skin or eczema you probably want to go with one of the others.
Also, super excited that Honeybee Gardens is being featured on Zulily this week! Love this makeup and use it pretty much exclusively. It is all natural, and the brand has fantastic scores on the Environmental Working Group's Skin Deep Database. Check it out and feel free to ask me any questions about the products!
Note: Some affiliate links - outta work teachers turned writers gotta eat! All opinions are solely my own.
I don't know what triclosan is, but apparently, it's really bad?