Friday Frivolity, Puppeh Edition: Funny DOGS and Funny PUPPIES and SO MUCH CUTE!

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It's Friday at last!  Here's a little Frivolity... we all know you've earned it! 

Cats having had their moment last week, today we feature Puppehs!

Was that you this week?  Hopefully not, but especially for all those teachers going back to school it might have been... we love you teachers!

Puppies plus babies = double win on the cuteness scale.  

Oh we are Puppeh.  Oh we are!


my mum asks me to show her this almost every day

I'm pretty sure this is actually a fuzzy tap-dancing robot...

On that note we must leave you... have a happy weekend!

Here are some of the places you might see this post partying! 

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  1. Those spontaneous pillow combustions are freaky...lucky survivor puppy! :p

  2. This post made my day! Haha! Thank you for sharing! Peace and many blessings to you, Love! :-)

  3. Definitely a fuzzy tap-dancing robot!

  4. Oh I love the cake one! Brilliant Thanks for linking up with #featurefridays

  5. What cute pictures. Pets can be so fun. Thanks for sharing and putting a smile on my face this Friday !!! Blessings.


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