Christmas Gift Ideas... As Seen on TV!

Christmas Gift Ideas... "As Seen on TV"!

My pal Lisa over at Syncopated Mama chose our #FridayFrivolity theme for this week... "As Seen on TV" items are apparently hot gift items for her family!  ;)  I actually had to do googling to figure out how familiar with this topic I really was... and it turned out to be more than I had thought!  

"As Seen on TV" Hot / Hilarious Gift Ideas!

(Please note: this post contains affiliate links, meaning that if you click and / or purchase items via those links, I may receive a small commission as a result, at no cost to you. If you would prefer to view an item via a non-affiliate link, use the contact form to let me know and I will be happy to email one to you. Thank you for supporting Devastate Boredom!)

The Clapper -- Ahhh so classic!  My parents had this in their bedroom when I was growing up, and my brother and I thought it was the height of technological innovation!  And, as an added bonus, hugely entertaining.  It was often even entertaining from other parts of the house, hearing my parents clap six or seven times before the recalcitrant light would heed the summons... bahaha!

Pedi-Egg -- This thing really works, yo.  All the shaved skin you have to empty out afterwards can be a little gross, but... it does really work.

Cami-Secret Clip-On Mock Camisoles -- Not so much this one... it pretty much only works with a straight-forward v-neck.  Anything other than that gets complicated quickly.

Perfect Pushup -- My husband bought these after college, used them a few times, and then carried them around in his truck for several years after that...  ;P  But they did seem to be effective!  Just, really really hard.  Looking at Amazon reviews, a lot of people love them and a number of people hate them and claim they can hurt your shoulders, so take that as you will.

Chia Pets  -- I never actually owned a chia pet, but I DID own the Chia brand herb garden, and it grew super well and easily.... it was my very first foray into "gardening" (such that it was) right after college.  Ahhh nostalgia!

Star Shower Motion Laser Lights Projector -- I don't actually own this but one of my neighbors does, and I think it is so cool!  And, um, SO EASY!  No hassling with cords and plugs... just stick it in your yard and flip a switch.  Well obviously it still has to plug in, but still, so simple.  And it looks really pretty and festive too!

Now on to the link-up! :D
Friday Frivolity LINKY PARTY - the blog link-up for all things Fun, Funny, Happy, and Hopeful!

Friday Frivolity LINKY PARTY - the blog link-up for all things Fun, Funny, Happy, and Hopeful!

Featured Post from Last Week:
In a fun twist, since we now have five hosts and co-hosts we will also have five FEATURES.... but you will have to go check out the other four blogs to see if you were featured there! ;)

Featured Post at #Friday Frivolity -- Christmas Gift Ideas or Hilarity... As Seen on TV style!  Funny and unique household items at Friday Frivolity

Stop by Syncopated Mama for all kinds of awesome game, craft, and book ideas for teaching your child the Biblical story of Joshua!  Fun for a rainy day, or perfect for incorporating into pre-school at home!

The Hosts:

FridayFrivolity host Sarah Eliza of Devastate Boredom

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Sarah Eliza is on a mission to Devastate Boredom by living life with laughter and intention! Her blog is your spot for Capsule Wardrobe how-to's and inspiration, humor, encouragement, life-hacks, Read / DON'T Read book reviews, and more!  Stop by her blog for winter Capsule Wardrobe inspiration -- mix-and-match outfit inspiration in burgundy and olive! 

Host, Audrey, Friday Frivolity
Audrey is a wonderfully eclectic blogger, who not only can cook up a storm over on That Recipe, but also writes at Munofore - "MUsings NOt FOod RElated." Munofore touches on humor, parenting, crafting, holiday ideas, tutorials, and more! Audrey's most recent post reviews Classic Games for Family Fun -- awesome recommendations for holiday gifts, or game nights through the year!

Host, Lisa, Friday Frivolity
Facebook // Twitter //Pinterest // Google+ // Bloglovin
  Lisa is an awesomely hilarious and authentic writer who marches to her own drum on her blog Syncopated Mama, providing an "un-labelly spot" for all the happily off-beat folks out there who have been wishing to find kindred spirits. She shares her adventures building a natural home, teaching her adorbs daughter, establishing and refining positive communication skills, camping, creating, cooking, and so much more! Lisa's latest post is a hilarious and awesome list of Stocking Stuffers from A-Z... you've gotta check it out!

FridayFrivolity host Jessica from Babi a Fi
Jessica is an amazingly funny and smart blogger from Wales who writes at Babi a Fi on a whole range of topics -- from entertaining vintage nostalgia, to technology tutorials, to book reviews, to raising her adorable munchkin, and so much more! Her latest post, a review of the Meryl Streep film Florence Foster Jenkins, is filled with comedy and pathos!

FridayFrivolity host Erin from Stay at Home Yogi
Erin is a fantastically honest and engaging blogger over at Stay at Home Yogi, where she shares encouragement for fitness, finances, self-care, and other fun and positive topics.  Her posts are filled with great advice and perspective.  Be sure to stop by her blog for this month's Financially Fit update -- Erin shares both the progress and frustrations of tackling debt, as well as helpful strategies for saving and making money too!

Could it be you??  #FridayFrivolity link-up looking for new cohosts!
Calling all bloggers looking for an upbeat and supportive group of pals to join in hosting the weekly #FridayFrivolity par-tay! We are hoping to add to our ranks of dedicated hosts and co-hosts, and would love for you to consider joining the fun! Co-Hosts are welcome on a temporary basis (usually a month), while Hosts make a more ongoing commitment. :) Swing by here to express interest and ask any questions!

Now time for the new stuff!

This a link-up for all things funny, fun, encouraging, hopeful, and happy. That includes free printables, giveaways, and other fun stuff to make us SMILE and start the weekend off on the right foot. If you're here in search of fun and uplifting reading materials, skip the rules and just start clickin'! Bloggy buddies, thanks for coming to par-tay! You are welcome to link up to 3 posts, and old posts are always welcome! There are three rules only:
Friday Frivolity LINKY PARTY - the blog link-up for all things Fun, Funny, Happy, and Hopeful!

If you provide an email address, we may notify you in the future when the Friday Frivolity link-up party goes live.  Your email would only ever be used for this purpose, and you can always unsubscribe.  It goes without saying, nobody likes spam!  If you would rather NOT be added to that reminder list, please enter a dash (-) in place of your email address.  :)

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Like what you're reading? Subscribe via email, and I'll keep the good stuff coming! Then let me know that you did... I love to make new friends!

Here are some of the places you might see this post partying! 


  1. I love all of these - they pop up regularly around Christmas and I wonder to myself how many people end up with them as their "I couldn't think of anything else to buy" gift! The last one that showers sparkles all over your house seems to be a little less exciting in real life from what I've seen around the neighbourhood :)

  2. When I was up very morning at 5 am with my middle daughter breastfeeding I became totally addicted to infomercials. I came so close to buying the Wen Hair Care System so many times.

  3. I was just thinking about the clapper! Too funny you featured that too.

  4. That is so funny, Sarah Eliza!! I think one of us had a Chia Pet. And I was the proud owner of a Pedi-egg at one time or another. After mistaking the contents for salt once, I gave it up forever.
    (Not a true story!)

  5. Is it bad that the only things on the list I don't already own, I kind of want to buy now. I need a clapper! xD

  6. I wore the cami secret once and then tossed it in a drawer never to be found again. It didn't stay hooked which was annoying.

  7. LOL. That is pretty funny. Thanks for hosting.


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