Friday Not So Frivolous, but Honest and Real! The Link-Up Blog Party for All Things Fun, Funny, Happy, and Hopeful!

Friday Frivolity Superbowl / Football Memes Edition! (Sort of, Not Really...  ;P) Plus the Friday Frivolity LINKY PARTY - the blog link-up for all things Fun, Funny, Happy, and Hopeful!

Hello dear friends!

Life happened this week... there was a death in my husband's family, my own family is coming in to town to visit tomorrow, I had a goal to meet for a writing project, and puppy number two is still keeping us a little extra busy...  plus, I'll be honest (because if you're reading this I count you among my VERY good friends), 

I haven't been in the best mental space for a while now, which has made it hard for me to manage my time as well as I would like.  Blah and grrrr!  

However I have some fun ideas for blog posts for the next week or two (the 5 weirdest foods I've eaten lately!  The 5 most fun and unusual products you should be buying at Trader Joe's!  Plus several awesome books I am way behind on reviewing...) so hopefully that will help to get me back in the blogosphere.  Random notes about my upcoming post topics... I'm very fixated on food lately, yes?  :P  Also apparently fixated on the number five... though actually, I've only tried 4 weird foods up to now, so if you have something unusual to suggest please give me ideas for number 5 ha!

My other amazing cohosts are featuring fun and funny posts on the theme "First World Problems" which should be awesome, so DEFINITELY go check them out!!  I might jump in late if I can find the time, otherwise I will just feature my fav posts from last week next week instead.

*cyber hugs* for anyone who is feeling a little down or discouraged or overwhelmed by life at the moment... I'm feelin' ya!  And we're both gonna make it.  Shoot me a message if you want to commiserate!  ;)

Now on to the link-up! :D 

Friday Frivolity Superbowl / Football Memes Edition! (Sort of, Not Really...  ;P) Plus the Friday Frivolity LINKY PARTY - the blog link-up for all things Fun, Funny, Happy, and Hopeful!

The Hosts:

Friday Frivolity Host Sarah Eliza from Devastate Boredom

Sarah Eliza is on a mission to Devastate Boredom by living a life full of all of her favorite things... friendship and connection, laughter, books and music, furbaby love, minimalism, wellness pursuits, Paleo-ish cooking, and on and on!  Curious about how to create a capsule wardrobe without losing your mind??  Check out her series here!

Host, Lisa, Friday Frivolity Superbowl / Football Memes Edition! (Sort of, Not Really...  ;P) Plus the Friday Frivolity LINKY PARTY - the blog link-up for all things Fun, Funny, Happy, and Hopeful!
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Lisa is an awesomely hilarious and authentic writer who marches to her own drum on her blog Syncopated Mama, providing an "un-labelly spot" for all the happily off-beat folks out there who have been wishing to find kindred spirits.  She shares her adventures building a natural home, teaching her adorbs daughter, establishing and refining positive communication skills, camping, creating, cooking, and so much more!  Lately, she's begun a series of around-the-world date nights, called Passport to Fun -- check it out for lots of inspiration!!

Host, Audrey, Friday Frivolity Superbowl / Football Memes Edition! (Sort of, Not Really...  ;P) Plus the Friday Frivolity LINKY PARTY - the blog link-up for all things Fun, Funny, Happy, and Hopeful!

Audrey is a wonderfully eclectic blogger, who not only can cook up a storm over on That Recipe, but also writes at Munofore - "MUsings NOt FOod RElated."  Munofore touches on humor, parenting, crafting, holiday ideas, tutorials, and more!  Her latest post features a gorgeous DIY Valentine's wreath, AND a free "love" / heart cross stitch template!

Jessica is an amazingly funny and smart blogger from Wales who writes on a whole range of topics -- from entertaining vintage nostalgia, to technology tutorials, to book reviews, to raising her adorable munchkin, and so much more!  Jessica also has a knack for winning things, and gives her readers tips on how to win things too!  Her list of 101 Blog Posts Ideas includes so many creative and fun ideas -- be sure to check it out!

Featured Post from Last Week:
In a fun twist, since we now have four hosts we will also have FOUR FEATURES.... but you will have to go check out the other two blogs to see if you were featured there!  ;)  

I will have double features next week to make up for my lack of one today...  Sorry!  xoxo- Sarah Eliza

Now time for the new stuff! 

This a link-up for all things funny, fun, encouraging, hopeful, and happy.  That includes free printables, giveaways, and other fun stuff to make us SMILE and start the weekend off on the right foot. 

If you're here in search of fun and uplifting reading materials, skip the rules and just start clickin'! 

Bloggy buddies, thanks for coming to par-tay! You are welcome to link up to three posts, and old posts are always welcome!  There are three rules only: 

Friday Frivolity Superbowl / Football Memes Edition! (Sort of, Not Really...  ;P) Plus the Friday Frivolity LINKY PARTY - the blog link-up for all things Fun, Funny, Happy, and Hopeful!

We're so happy you're here! Let's have some fun. :D

    An InLinkz Link-up

Here are some of the places you might see this post partying

Like what you're reading?  Subscribe via your favorite bloggy source, and I'll keep the good stuff coming!  And then let me know that you did... I love to make new friends!  

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  1. Thanks for hosting such a fun link-up. Wishing you a happy Friday!

  2. So sorry for your loss. :( Hope things calm down, and soon! I'll say a prayer for you.

    1. Thanks Jamie! I appreciate your sweet message, and your prayer! :)

  3. Have a fabulous day and weekend. ☺

  4. We've all had weeks like this. I hope things are looking up for you now. Can't wait to read your food posts.

    1. Oh good, now if I start feeling un-motivated I can think, "Audrey's looking forward to this post!!" and stay accountable for finishing it tehehehe! Do you have any weird / unusual recipes to recommend for me??

  5. So sorry for your loss :(
    Life can be so hard sometimes..I'm feelin' it too.
    Thanks for hosting your hopping usually helps me feel happier.

    1. Thanks Paula! It can be, it's true. I appreciate your message!

  6. I hope you get some rest and enjoy the visit with the parents!

    1. Thanks Lisa! I'm a little short on sleep because my parents left at 4 am haha, but otherwise it was a really nice visit!

  7. Thanks for hosting and have a good week.

  8. Sounds like a fun blog party. I hope everything gets better for you. Sorry about the death in your husband's family. Have a great weekend.

    1. Thanks Cascia! I appreciate the supportive message. :) Following you on google + now -- your post on pregnancy exercises was really interesting!

  9. Hang in there, girl! Virtual hug. :)

  10. Just wanted to say I have totally been there, in fact I think I AM there this week! I hope you find your way to a better mental state soon. <3 I love your honesty and your realness!

    1. Ahhhh you and me Erin!! Hoping this week turns it all around for us! :)

  11. Aw, Sarah. You're so positive it doesn't sound like you're having some tough times. I'm sending you my cyber hug as well. Hope you get better soon.

    Thanks for hosting another link up.

  12. Hi Sarah Eliza, I'm so sorry to hear about the death. I will keep your husband's family in my prayers.
    Have you tried squid? WEird and horrible! frog legs? Both weird and horrible!!

    1. Hi Melinda! Thanks for the prayers. :) I HAVE had squid in the fried calamari form and enjoy it (I just can't think about what it is while I'm eating it, haha!) and haven't had frog legs... those would be really hard for me to eat, but I'll keep them in mind if I can steel up my nerves enough...! :P

  13. Thanks for the party girls!

    Anne xx


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