Do-Gooding the Broke Way: "Join My Village" Opportunity

Oh wow, I love this! General Mills has pledged to donate up to $500,000 towards fighting poverty in Malawi with an online program called Join My Village -- they're empowering women and girls in 75 different villages to be able to support themselves and their families. I think this is by far the coolest "click to donate" opportunity I've seen... General Mills isn't just looking for a way to bribe people into visiting their site, they're actually seeking to raise awareness regarding global poverty and put a face on what all too often is just a blur of awful numbers.

Check it out -- by simply creating a profile and clicking around to explore the stories of real-life women or answer trivia questions about Malawai, you can "unlock" as much as $5 a day towards the cause. Most similar fundraisers donate just pennies per click, so I respect that they're willing to follow through with their commitment in a meaningful way. General Mills and their team members have "raised" $171,889.02 so far, and if people get active I'm sure we can prod them on to their goal in no time. I joined team Kaisi and answered a few trivia questions, and voila! $5 closer to the goal in only a matter of a few minutes. I also have newly acquired knowledge about Malawai now! Did you know that it's located in Southeast Africa, is a multi-party democracy, and that the largest religion there is Protestantism? Yeah, I didn't either. ;P I'm looking forward to learning more through this program though! So hurry right now before you forget, come over and join my village!

Even when you're flat broke, you can still help out others! Donating your time is of course the most valuable thing you can do, but if you're short on cash and on time, then here are some other ways to "do good" right here and now. :)
This post is part of Work's for Me Wednesday, over at We're THAT Family. Be sure to check it out for more great tips, ideas, and short-cuts!

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