Update.... chaos ERUPTS!! (Well sorta.)

Hello friends! It's been a long time... again. Sadly the last couple of weeks have seemed to be purposely conspiring to keep me from blogging, come hell or high water. And I mean that last part rather literally, because my poor city recently experienced two+ straight weeks of rain, with some quite disastrous flooding as a result. The flooding effected myself and my family rather directly in fact, so first I was distracted by that and then more recently I came down with what we originally thought was swine flu... dun duh DUH!!! But before you start disinfecting your computer screen for fear of my typing imparting germs to you, I should add that I never got a fever, which seems to make it likely that I just have a bad cold. If it was swine flu, then let me just say that it isn't nearly as scary as it's cracked up to be. (at which point I pause to knock on wood, 'cuz if this "cold" doesn't go away soon I'm sure I'll be back to cursing H1N1 along with the rest of the population)

Regardless of my specific diagnosis, just take my word for it that things have been hella hectic. It would also seem that my ADD gets worse when my immune system is battling invaders... I guess every iota of concentration I possess is currently directed at outing whatever virus or bacteria is waging war on me. I've been having trouble getting ANYTHING done. But yeah, enough excuses. This week I'll aim for two more posts, and then next week we'll do a green goals update, some kind of movie/TV review, and hopefully one more. Ease back into it, right??

I'm trying to rethink aspects of my blog, so if there is something you especially like or dislike I would LOVE to hear feedback. Topics I'm mulling over include... is my blog too unstructured? Should there be more focus/parallelism in posts? Should I have regular guest posts to vary things up? How many times a week do people even want to read what I have to say?? There are some blogs that I've stopped reading because they posted too prolifically and wore me out... where does the"too much talking!!" line lie, anyhow??? And the biggest question of all.. What type of posts are great, and which ones have people totally bored and *gasp!* they just aren't telling me?? I tend to lose perspective inside my head really quickly, so outside opinions are huge.

Also, I want to do a giveaway... what are the most exciting giveaways to you personally? Are giftcards better than products?? Is an iTunes giftcard better than a CD, or does that just totally depend on who's CD it is?? I've created a couple of polls to try to get a feel for the giveaway question, as well as to figure out what posting topics my blog "does best." If you take a minute to tag a couple of radio buttons and submit your opinion, I'll be your best friend for forever!! Scroll over in that direction, and bask in the glow of my warmest affection... and if the polls miss the point entirely, or you have more opinions than such a narrow medium can communicate, please comment or email me. My warm affection will turn into a positive blaze if you do... a blaze I say! ;P

Here's hoping your life has involved less rain and more good health than mine has recently. Stay tuned for fresh posts and an awesome giveaway in the very near future!


  1. Oh wow, sounds like a lot of tough things that happened recently.

    Good questions and thoughts on your blog. I would just write what inspires you and when it does. :)

    Also, I'm doing my first giveaway on my blog right now if you're interested:


  2. I think the too much talking line lies at more than 2 posts per day. I think you're fine in that regard.

  3. glad to see you name pop up on my blog...sorry you have had some crazy weeks.

  4. Glad you and your family are okay. And don't apologize for not blogging...life happens, and most people get that, you know?

  5. Sorry you had swinefluish sickness!! :( Hopefully the rain today hasn't re-engaged flooding problems, we have had enough of the stuff for a long while!! As far as topics on here, I love how you touch on topics as they come up for you..the semi-unstructured makes it fun!! Btw, your background is brilliant! The colors are very fall.


I love to connect with new friends online! Please share your thoughts with me! :)

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