MP3 Free Music Madness! Classical, Punk, Alternative, Gospel, and a polka to top you off!

Is the download you're looking for no longer available?  :(  Free-and-legal tracks are often offered only temporarily, so I'm sorry if you have missed the window for this one.  Look to the right to subscribe via email, feed reader, blogloving, twitter, etc, and I'll make sure that you never miss out on free music again!

Y'all ready for a fun mix of new free-and-legal downloads this week?? 'Cuz I have some pretty good stuff headed your way, even if I do say so myself!

First off, iTunes is pretty decent this week, so we'll hit them up first. Currently the reviewer is raving about their latest pick, by an artist named Gary Go. Seriously, I don't think I've ever read such an enthusiastic recommendation on iTunes, and the guy actually sounds creative enough to mostly deserve it... it will be fun to watch and see where he ends up. As for the Discovery Download, it might seem a little bit of a stretch -- after all, when did you last sit down and think to yourself, "Self, today I will listen to a polka and maybe dance a jig" -- but believe it or not, it works. And its really fun, and... jaunty. The chorus "When the band begins to play, cast your troubles aside!" makes you want to do just that. And since I've never before used the word "jaunty" to discuss music, it gets bonus points on principle. No free TV from iTunes this week I'm afraid, unless you count something called Househusbands of Hollywood. Download that if you dare!

My punk/alternative music lovers will be excited for these next two, with a sampler download of bands from The Warped Tour (available through Aug 31st) and a full album download from Nine Inch Nails as well. I was more excited about the NIN download them the sampler, just because I wasn't familiar with a lot of those bands... but still great stuff if you like to rock out, or even just need some music to crank up in the car when you're having a bad day. Hey, blasting some good-and-angry music is a really great vent, ok? (thanks Shopping Frugal for the head's up on these downloads!)

For another style of coping with a bad day, swing by Amazon to pick up a free CD showcasing a ton of tracks and a wide range of gospel music... the UMCG Summer Sampler, Rejoice in the Spirit. Give it a listen, and you'll soon find yourself singing along as you're reminded of promises for hope and better days to come.

If neither of those suggestions are really your style, how about combating work stress and road rage by turning your car into a concert-style sanctuary of tranquility? Amazon is letting us do just that with Eternal Baroque, a fourteen track sampler of styles from the Baroque period. If you like classical music at all, this is a must-have!

Lastly, I don't know how long this freebie will be available, but you can get a free subscription to the music magazine Spin on the Lollapalooza website right now... pretty sweet! Snag that one ASAP.

Enjoy your downloads for this week! I love to hear opinions, so be sure to let me know if you discover a new favorite! :)


  1. I would be downloadless without you. Hey when did you redo the blog? I like it? Has it been up long? I'm in a insomnia coma and need sleep so sorry if I didn't say something about it before


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